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We have many opportunities for members to get involved, whether you are new and a seasoned member.  There are ministries tailor-made for a variety of interests and age groups.  Take a moment to look at our ministries to find one that best suits you.


Please feel free to visit with leadership or ministry leaders for more information or questions. 

Ministry Leaders can let you know of the upcoming events and meetings to meet others and serve.


Jesus spoke of how a man went to a friend’s house at midnight and asked for three loaves of bread.  When this man’s friend refused to get up and get the food (Lk. 11:7), the Lord said the man in need of bread was so “shameless” (“importunity”) his request was granted.

B.A.S.E.S. (Family Life)

BASES (Building and Strengthening Every Soul) is the Family Life Ministry with the purpose equipping individuals and families with relevant biblical truths and healthy family skills to empower them to successfully deal with the challenges of family living and faith development.


The vision of the ministry is to strengthen and support families in building Christ-centered "faith" living homes.  Their mission is to provide resources and training as opportunities that will instill hope and wholeness to the family.  We love because He first Loved us - I John 4:19.


This mission of this ministry is to positively impact people in need during their crisis and to respond to others accordingly as needs arise.

Building & Grounds

Our mission is to provide a safe, loving and caring environment where believers of Christ can worship in spirit and in truth.


"I have planted , Apollos waters, but God gave the increase." - I Corinthians 3:6


The Cancer Education And Support Empowerment ministry helps to support cancer survivors and caregivers.

CHASE: Men's Ministry

This ministry focuses on encouraging men to continue to chase after God's Heart.

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This ministry focuses on creating followers and learners of Jesus Christ, while forming Kingdom relationships.


F.A.M. (Friend At Midnight) strives to provide spiritual, holistic, and wellness-focused services that helps prevent development of mental health issues and address social emotional problems that currently exist.​ F.A.M. do not provide counseling, but rather referrals only.


The purpose of this ministry is to impact people's physical lives by providing access to free Holistic medical care, equipping people's spiritual lives to do the work of the Lord, and educating people to become good stewards of their health.


J.O.Y. ministers to the unique needs, spiritual growth and development of senior members.

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The purpose of this ministry is to mature our youth holistically by the unique inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God through personal development, building significant relationships, and sharing the Good News of God's Love through discipleship.


It is the goal of the LIFT Ministry to form a cohesive bond between women of all ages in the body of Christ as we work together.

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The purpose of the Marketing Team is to increase our evangelistic opportunities by promoting the gospel, and branding Northeast Church of Christ and Case Ministries through imagery, print media, technology, and telecommunications.


To communicate God’s message, effectively reaching church members and perspective church members in the cyber sanctuary through the use of internet applications.

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Mobile Meals

In partnership with Mobile Meals of Oklahoma, this ministry serve hot meals to homebound elderly individuals in the community.


The purpose of this ministry is to bring together single Christians to learn to be content in all circumstances.

Philippians 4:11

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The TEARS Ministry serves to assist members of the congregation in practical ways when a family member passes. Our goal is to exhibit love, compassion and to engage the congregation in this service by coordinating activities in support of our grieving members and families.


The purpose of this ministry is to impact Church members in support of a worship environment.

Worship & Praise

The purpose of the Worship & Praise Ministry is to promote, organize, and facilitate scriptural worship that is pleasing and glorifying to God. We accomplish this by providing timely, well-organized worship services that effectively facilitate the spiritual development of all who experience our worship.

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